Saturday 31 May 2014

The Alaska Highway

After a night in a somewhat odd Hotel in Fort Nelson the next stop is Watson Lake, wow what a change with a great road, scenery and wildlife all in one day.

Black Bear feed on Dandelions after their hibernation as it's a form of laxative, it's been a long time since the last pooh! The weather is glorious today & both of us are enjoying the road.

The Alaska Highway winds through Summit Pass with the lake still frozen in places, the air still has a chill but the temperature from the direct sunshine means we can ride with only T shirts under our gear.

Bighorn Sheep eat salt from the edge of the road to help with their digestion, here is a female with her kid, Lamb chops!!

Along the route are a number of RV parks & Lodges which also sell fuel & food although you have to be careful as some are still closed, John has a bit of a problem with his consumption (fuel that is) so we now carry additional containers.

The Lodge at Toad River has a collection of 7000+ hats taken from visitors fixed to the ceiling & walls, they tried to take our crash helmets but we had to say no!

The road passes along the shore line of Lake Muncho with it's Jade coloured water, is this fun?

The Bison are also out grazing in the Sun, these beasts are pretty big but very docile.

About 100km from our destination a stop is called for at Liard River Hot Springs, we take a dip in the 40 degree water, John is cooking nicely.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At last some wildlife! The hairless yetti is very rare.
